Elder Care Workshop Series at Norwell Public Library

  Getting older? Taking care of someone who is? Come to this three-part series to learn some helpful tips from local Elder Services professionals. Wednesday, March 8: “Who Can Help Me?” Find out how to access elder services in your community. Presented by Susan Curtin, Director at Norwell Council on Aging.   “Elder Law 101” Get to know the basics...
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Most Americans don’t realize that they have an estate. Most people think that an “estate” includes a mansion in the hills, a private jet, or millions of dollars in investment accounts. But the true definition of “estate” is a person’s possessions or property—regardless of the size or amount. Everybody has an estate; and if...
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Can A Trust Benefit Your Family?

Most Americans don’t realize that they have an estate.  Most people think that an “estate” includes a mansion in the hills, a private jet, or millions of dollars in investment accounts.  But the true definition of “estate” is a person’s possessions or property—regardless of the size or amount.  Everybody has an estate; and if...
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