Great news for certain retirees in Massachusetts and across the country! The Social Security Fairness Act (SSFA), which was signed into law by former President Biden, eliminates rules that reduced Social Security benefits for certain retirees receiving income from public pensions. Nearly three million teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other public sector...
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What’s So Special About a Special Needs Trust?
If you have a child with special needs, you’re undoubtedly concerned about how your loved one will be cared for when you are no longer able to provide adequate care yourself. A special needs trust may provide an answer… and some much-needed peace of mind.A special needs trust allows you to provide...
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“Live Well, Age Well” Education Series with Norwell Senior Center
Live Well, Age WellEducation Series with Norwell Council on Aging
None of us can escape aging, but the choices we make throughout life can influence how well we live as we age. The Norwell Council on Aging is excited to begin the “Live Well, Age Well” initiative, offering a...
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Who Can Talk to Social Security on Your Behalf?
If you are on Social Security, then you know that sometimes there’s a need to talk to the agency. Maybe you’ve changed your address, or perhaps a spouse died and you needed to adjust your monthly payment.
But what happens if you need to talk to Social Security, but you aren’t competent to do so?...
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Will Stimulus Payments Disrupt My Public Benefits?
Will Stimulus Payments Disrupt My Public Benefits?
If you are on public benefits and receiving a stimulus payment, then you are probably concerned about how the payment will affect your public benefits (ex. MassHealth or SSI). In short, it will not.
Stimulus payments are not considered “income.” They are also not considered “assets” UNLESS you are...
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Elder Care Workshop Series at Norwell Public Library
Getting older? Taking care of someone who is? Come to this three-part series to learn some helpful tips from local Elder Services professionals.
Wednesday, March 8:
“Who Can Help Me?”
Find out how to access elder services in your community.
Presented by Susan Curtin, Director at Norwell Council on Aging.
“Elder Law 101”
Get to know the basics...
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Have You Been Appointed Representative Payee?
If you are caring for a loved one who receives Social Security and who cannot manage the Social Security benefits on her own, then you can ask the Social Security Administration to name you (or someone else) as your loved one's "representative payee."
This is not a difficult job, but there are some things...
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Senator Elizabeth Warren Files a Bill to Raise the SSI Resource Limit
Another reason to love Senator Warren. As you likely know, an SSI recipient can have only $2,000 in her bank account. It’s an absurdly small amount to keep on hand. It can barely cover any emergencies (like car repairs) and causes a lot of anxiety among SSI recipients and their families as they perform...
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Department of Public Health Survey on Health Needs for People with Disabilities
This landed in my inbox. It took about 5 minutes to fill it out. Due date is May 31. Here are the details:
Help influence health care in Massachusetts! The Health and Disability Program, part of Office of Health Equity at the MA Department of Public Health (DPH) is conducting a health...
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More Fast Track Compassionate Care Allowances Added to Social Security Disability
If you are disabled according to Social Security Disability (SSDI) regulations, and if you have worked long enough to have contributed adequately to the Social Security system, then you are entited to SSDI, and after being on SSDI for two years, you are entitled to Medicare.
Getting qualified for SSDI can be a...
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