E-Newsletter: Useful Info During COVID

Following is the text of our recent e-newsletter. If you would like us to add you to our e-newsletter mailing list, please visit our homepage.


Dear Friends,

This is our second newsletter during these interesting COVID times. The first newsletter offered legal information. This one shares useful info, plus something beautiful. You can revisit our first newsletter here.

We begin with a reminder:

Keep your Health Care Proxy, HIPAA Statement, and medication list at your fingertips.

(a) If you are a client of ours, then we enrolled you in DocuBank. Take five minutes now to update your medication list. (Really. Five minutes. I updated mine recently, it was very easy.)

(b) Keep copies on your phone. You can save the documents to your Google Drive, you can simply keep them attached to an email, whatever you like, so long as they are accessible to you on your phone. If you would like us to email PDFs of your signed documents to you, or to someone important to you, please call us or email us (doreen@alexislevitt.com).

(c) Keep copies on the back of your front door or on your refrigerator. Many first responders will look in these places for emergency medical papers.

(d) If you do not have a health care proxy, download one today from Honoring Choices. You will need to witnesses – perhaps your neighbors can watch you sign through your glass door or window.

We move on to community offerings:

The Wonder Duo of Two Sisters Senior Living Advisors, Michelle and Alyson, are bringing you free, professional chair yoga every Tuesday and Thursday morning! More info here (scroll down the page). Mark your calendars!

The Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline is open. If you are feeling at the end of your rope, or even if you are well before that point, call them. They can help.

The Alzheimer’s Association is also hosting a slew of webinars online. They have even found a way to continue with their support groups. Check it out. There is no need to go this alone.

Remember that your local Council on Aging is a bastion of information and resources! If you need anything, call them and they will either solve your problem or refer you to someone who can. Yes, your local senior is open for phone calls! (But not walk-ins.)

Now for Community Requests:

South Shore Hospital is requesting the following:
Financial donations
Homemade masks (attention people who love to sew!)
Supplies so that the hospital can make their own masks
Gift cards for employees in need
N95 masks, gowns, goggles, other PPE

Norwell VNA & Hospice is requesting N95 masks, gowns, goggles, and other PPE.

And, Something Beautiful:

There is a national movement to plaster our neighborhoods with hearts, in support of our health care workers who are on the front lines. In our neighborhood, teacher Kathleen Malone and her kids took the lead, and now we all have lovely homemade hearts on our doors. The ones with the Red Cross symbols were given to the nurses in our neighborhood, and they have told us that this makes them feel supported and loved. Pull out some art supplies and bring the same to your street!

And Remember:

Our office is open. We are working from home, but if you need anything at all, just call or email, and we will get right back to you.

Hang in there, and get outside for plenty of fresh air and sunshine. And wash your hands!!

– Alexis & Doreen