Hiring a caregiver is an expense, no question about it. Some families are lucky enough to be able to find the perfect caregiver among their circle of close family and friends. When finding a caregiver on their own rather than through an agency, lots of families prefer to pay the caregiver under the table...
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Elder Abuse – Do You See Signs?
Do you have a family member or a neighbor who is elderly, or perhaps younger and intellectually disabled? These folks are prime targets for elder abuse. Some things to keep your eyes and ears open for include:
A previously uninvolved family member becomes the primary caregiver.
A previously unfamiliar “friend” becomes the primary caregiver.
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How Not to Sign Documents for Your Parents
Very often, adult children find themselves in the position of signing documents on behalf of their parents. This could take the form of signing a parent into a hospital or nursing home, signing a Medicare notice, signing the lease at an assisted living, etc.
When signing documents for a parent, do not sign just your...
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Should I Have a Trust?
I hear this question a lot when I teach seminars. If you’ve been to a seminar, you have heard me say that “trusts come in many flavors.” There are all sorts of trusts, and whether you should have one depends entirely on your situation. I would say that about one-third of my clients need...
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Last Week Tonight’s John Oliver Has Something to Say About Guardianships
Have you seen his piece on guardianship? It’s scary, they are extreme though not rare examples that he uses, and being John Oliver, the bit has its funny moments too.
As one of the spotlights, he tells the story of a couple who were put under guardianship, even though they perhaps were still competent...
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Open House @ New England Village – attn Parents of Special Needs Adults
Open House
Saturday, April 29, 2017, 10:00am - 1:00pm
Learn all about their residential, day services and community offerings. RSVP preferred
Please contact Mary Stanley at 781-293-5461, ext. 113
or mstanley@newenglandvillage.org.
See more at the New England Village website.
Elder Care Workshop Series at Norwell Public Library
Getting older? Taking care of someone who is? Come to this series to learn some helpful tips from local Elder Services professionals.
Wednesday, March 15:
“Learn to Speak Alzheimereze”
Discover tips to work with a person who is changing before your eyes and to learn to speak 'Alzheimereze.'
Presented by Alzheimer’s coach Beverly Moore.
Wednesday, March 29:
“Hospital to Home”
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Repeal & Replace of ObamaCare, a/k/a RyanCare
There are so many articles coming out right now trying to summarize RyanCare. I've gone straight to my favorite source for all things medical financing - the Kaiser Foundation. Their reports are well researched, and not slanted one way or the other. Just the facts.
Here's their summary of RyanCare. Obviously, being from a...
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Repeal & Replace of ObamaCare, a/k/a RyanCare
There are so many articles coming out right now trying to summarize RyanCare. I've gone straight to my favorite source for all things medical financing - the Kaiser Foundation. Their reports are well researched, and not slanted one way or the other. Just the facts.
Here's their summary of RyanCare. Obviously, being from a...
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Elder Care Workshop Series at Norwell Public Library
Getting older? Taking care of someone who is? Come to this three-part series to learn some helpful tips from local Elder Services professionals.
Wednesday, March 8:
“Who Can Help Me?”
Find out how to access elder services in your community.
Presented by Susan Curtin, Director at Norwell Council on Aging.
“Elder Law 101”
Get to know the basics of...
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